• Access your subconscious wisdom. Discover past causative events, to resolve present life issues. Get the therapeutic resolutions of Calm, Clarity, Confidence and Peace.

  • Program of 3 to 5 sessions of 90 minutes each, for a full therapeutic process.

  • Via Zoom online video-calls, using headphones with an attached microphone.

Hypnotherapy Sessions - Methodology

  • Initial Call: Assess Hypnotherapy

  • We discuss your Intake Form, your presenting issue and goals. We assess if Hypnotherapy is an appropriate, and test the wifi, Zoom and microphone.

  • Session One: Hypnosis, Regression To Resources.

  • Hypnotic induction and regression to empowering events. Connect with your Subconscious Mind and Inner Wisdom. Initial regression to causative events.

  • Session Two: Regression To Causative Events

  • Get a complete narrative of a number of 'disempowering' causative events, and key people. Understand causes. Initial therapeutic solution.

  • Session Three: Therapeutic Resolutions

  • Get complete insights and realizations to go beyond the frames of good and bad, to deep learning and healing. Apply full therapeutic resolutions.

Mark Beale, Hypnotherapist

I've been a full time Hypnotherapist since 2006. 

I've been a teacher certifying Hypnotherapists since 2012, via the National Guild of Hypnotists, and Dr Will Horton in Florida.

Udemy; my courses have 15,000 students and 2,500 reviews.

Youtube; "Past Life Awakening Institute".

My "Past Life Awakening Institute Podcast" on Spotify and All Other Podcast Platforms 

For more, see About.

Testimonials - For Sessions

A psychiatrist and a psychologist talks about their sessions with Mark.

L.F -- Fund Manager

Thank you very much for the sessions. I now have a much better understanding of this type of hypnosis and how it can help me make sense of things that my conscious mind cannot get to grips with. It's always fascinating to learn more about oneself. The more I get to know about myself, the more I can be confident of what I'm doing and why I'm behaving the way I do. I am amazed at your ability to help me piece together many seemingly unrelated incidents that have happened throughout various times in my life. I had not realized the significance of these and what they were telling me about myself. With appreciation

Relationships - Family

Christine S., Judge, London

Thank you so much for the work you did on me it was an amazing feeling of release, quite incredible. Hopefully now I can move on properly to enjoy being a grandmother of five wonderful children without unnecessary guilt towards my mother and daughter hanging over me.

D.A. -- Journalist

"Thank you, for helping me through the most difficult phase of my life. It has been the most wonderful experience of my life and I feel completely renewed and feels like a rebirth, with a completely new outlook for what I went through and also the future."

Relationships & Career

Simon E, Lawyer, UK

I can't believe I actually cried during our session. I always knew I was a very sensitive guy, but it takes a lot for my reserved emotional barrier to crumble. It goes to show that I must have felt very much at ease with you, your gentle voice & skill. You obviously have a great talent.

Complementary Modalities

  • If you wish to continue your journey in Spiritual Regression, I can support that by offering sessions in related modalities, usually to address another issue.

  • Past Life Regression; which may involve interweaving present life issues.

  • Between Lives Regression; soul guides, groups & councils, after PLR.

  • Spirit Releasement Therapy; for spiritual entity issues.


  • Do you treat alcoholism or drug addiction?

    No, not as a primary issue, or a as secondary issue. If these issues are current influences, seek specialist treatment and resolution before having subtle spiritual therapy for other issues.

  • Can you help my child / partner / family member?

    No. Sessions must be initiated by the person themselves. Applications can't be accepted on behalf of someone else.

  • Can you provide medical or diagnostic advice?

    Hypnotherapy is non-diagnostic, and focuses on the subconscious mind. Sessions in no way constitute legal, financial or medical advice.

How To Apply For Sessions

  • $600.00

    $600.00Hypnotherapy - 3 Online Sessions

    Program of three 90 minute Hypnotherapy sessions.
    Buy Now
  • $200.00

    $200.00Additional Spiritual Regression Sessions

    Only sessions in addition to the initial 3 sessions of Past Life Regression, Hypnotherapy or Spirit Releasement Therapy or 2 sessions of Between Lives Regression.
    Buy Now