Clinical Hypnotherapist Bundle

Become a Certified Therapist in two modalities, that emphasize on regression to cause and emotional and spiritual issues.

1) Clinical Hypnotist
2) Clinical Hypnotherapist

6 Zoom mentoring calls of 75 minutes each.
6 Assignments based on 18 client sessions.
Session Swaps with fellow students.

Certified Hypnotherapist Bundle Components

Certified Clinical Hypnotist contents;

1) Give 3 pre-talks and 3 suggestibility tests to explain and demonstrate hypnosis.

2) Learn seven hypnotic rapid inductions.

3) Learn a seven phase deepening process.

4) Regression to This Life resources.

5) Initial Past Life regression.

Time Requirement; 2 to 4 weeks.
5 hours of Video covering the Manual & Scripts.
2 Assignments of doing 2 sessions x 3 clients.
2 Mentoring Calls of 75 minutes each.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist contents;

1) Client Intake & Interview process.

2) Session One; Regression to This Life positive resources.

3) Session Two; Regression to This Life causative emotions and events.

4) Session Three; Regression to key people, and therapeutic resolutions.

Time Requirement; 4 to 8 weeks.
5 hours of Video covering the Manual & Scripts.
4 Assignments of doing 4 sessions x 3 clients.
4 Mentoring Calls of 75 minutes each.

The Past Life Therapist Bundle (PLRB), paid by installments, is a better choice for those who are sure they'll go on to study Past Life Regression. 

PLRB includes Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Past Life & Between Lives Therapist.

12 Mentoring Zoom Calls of 75 minutes to 12 review the Assignments. Session Swaps. Prospectus.pdf.

Reviews & Testimonials

Past Life Awakening Institute (PLAI) Graduates of the Certified Therapist courses talk about their experiences.

Hear their views on the Curriculum, the Mentoring Video Calls and Session Swaps within the PLAI community.

Amanda Herr: Hypnotherapist.  Ananda Healing Hypnosis.

"This course has been such a wonderful curriculum to learn from. Not only do the videos go in depth, but there is also a manual to read along with and calls to along with each assignment. I really feel this course hit all the key points that must be hit when learning something new. I truly feel ready to assist others through the use of hypnosis.

This course was very enjoyable. The techniques all come together and allows us to really put it into practice. I'm very hands-on person when it comes to learning so this was perfect!"

Session Swaps

Complete the first two Assignments for the Hypnotist course with your own clients, friends, family or healing community. You are then eligible to be matched with fellow Certification Students and Graduates to help complete your Hypnotherapist course, if required.

1) The Session Swap Process;  Personally administered by Mark to get the most appropriate matches, and has detailed guidelines at the bottom of this page.

2) Giving; You need to have mainly your own clients to work with. But sessions swaps can give you an extra person or session type to help complete your assignments.

3) Receiving; Experiencing the modalities from the inside helps improve your ability to give sessions to others, and heal the healer of any residues of blocks to fully being a professional.

International Accreditation

The Past Life Awakening Institute is accredited as a training provider by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) to certify students as a "Certified Therapist" in Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Between Lives Regression and Spirit Releasement Therapy. This means;

a) As a training provider we meet the requirements and regulations of an independent, worldwide association of healthcare professionals.

b) Your certificate includes the logo of the Past Life Awakening Institute (PLAI), and the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM).

c) Insurance companies recognized your qualification from this course. You can apply for Professional Insurance.

Certified Clinical Hypnotist

Professional Certification To Practice Hypnosis As A Basis For Spiritual Regression Therapies

  • "Certified Clinical Hypnotist". Issued by the Past Life Awakening Institute, PLAI. Accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, IPHM.

  • Learn how to access the your clients subconscious mind as a basis for Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Between Lives Regression and Spirit Releasement Therapy.

  • Prerequisites; Healing training and experience & application acceptance.

This course is a practical guide on how to use hypnosis in a therapeutic and healing context.

  • Take clients through hypnosis as part of a healing or therapy session.

  • Give 3 Suggestibility Tests to explain and demonstrate hypnosis.

  • Perform a 7 phase deepening process to deepen hypnosis.

  • Set expectations, give interactive pre-talks and deal with FAQs.

  • Perform 7 Hypnotic Rapid Inductions to induce hypnosis.

  • Initial utilisation and management of hypnotic states with regression.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Emphasizing regression therapy for emotional and spiritual issues in This Life, that can lead into Past Lives and Between Lives.

  • Regression can be used to have cathartic emotional release, and to gain insights into causative issues, and to overcome limiting beliefs.

  • Regression can be used for much more than childhood trauma, it can be appropriate for most clients and most issues of hypnotherapy.

  • Regression uses the unique abilities of hypnosis to access the long term memories and inner wisdom of the subconscious mind to help heal with teaching stories from the client's own personal history.

  • Client Interview & Preparation

  • Prepare your clients for hypnotherapy sessions, from the client interviews, to giving pre-talks, setting expectations and dealing with FAQs. Be prepared yourself to become a professional therapist, set your intentions and ask your FAQs.

  • The First Session

  • Use hypnosis and deepeners. Be prepared for Abreaction Management. Use Time Distortion Convincers. Establish foundations to work with any general issue, or the common applications of 1) Stopping Smoking , 2) Weight Loss, 3) Confidence - Public Speaking, 4) Relationships - Romantic, 5) Relationships - Family.

  • The Second Session

  • Regress to the cause and apply an initial fix. Find first and worst times, and have inner wisdom heal the inner child. Gain insights by reviewing, reframing and rewriting. Find and release emotional blocks.

  • The Third Session

  • Continue working towards a complete therapeutic resolution. Deal the emotions at the core of the presenting issue. Deal with key people, and work through forgiveness of self and other. Choose from techniques like Cord Cutting, Parts Therapy and bringing the change into the moment and the future self.


Brilliant Teacher + Beautiful Course Design

Pattie Belle Hastings

I have taken many online courses of various kinds and none have been as thorough and well-designed as Mark Beale's PLAI. I have learned so much and have had ...

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I have taken many online courses of various kinds and none have been as thorough and well-designed as Mark Beale's PLAI. I have learned so much and have had immediate results in the sessions I conduct. I am thrilled with his way of connecting to me the student; his building of my skills and confidence step-by-step; and the support he provides in his detailed responses to my questions. I will take all the courses he offers!

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Lucy Bennett

This course is fabulous, it is laid out really well and I really enjoyed the learning process. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to refine their hyp...

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This course is fabulous, it is laid out really well and I really enjoyed the learning process. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to refine their hypnosis skills or starting out!

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Kenna Clark

I relate to the matter of fact words used in your lecture.

I relate to the matter of fact words used in your lecture.

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Training & Application Process

Admission to advanced certification training is limited. Prerequisites and conditions apply. You should have a) past healing education and experience, b) access to willing clients, c) an interest in regression, and emotional and spiritual issues. Review the application process to confirm admission before purchase.
Training & Application Process

Intake Form & Initial Call

Enroll In Courses

  • $950.00

    $950.00Certified Hypnotherapist Bundle

    1) Hypnotist and 2) Hypnotherapist. Regression based emotional and spiritual hypnotherapy.
    Apply Then Buy
  • $650.00

    $650.00Certified Past Life Regression Therapist

    Certified Past Life Regression Therapist
    Apply The Buy
  • $500.00

    $500.00Certified Between Lives Regression Therapist

    For very experienced Past Life Regression Therapists. Most take within the Past Life Therapist Bundle.
    Apply Then Buy
  • $1,900.00

    $1,900.00Past Life Regression - Therapist Professional

    1) Hypnotist 2) Hypnotherapist 3) Past Life Regression Therapist 4) Between Lives Regression Therapist
    Apply Then Buy
  • $700.00

    $700.00Certified Spirit Releasement Therapist

    For very experienced Past Life Regression Therapists. Preferably taken after graduating from the Past Life Therapist Bundle.
    Apply Then Buy